Ohio Does Seller or Buyer Fill in Obometer Reading on Title

one. Read and memorize the following words:

Lace shop – кружевной магазин

Confectioner ' s – кондитерский магазин

Bookstall – книжный киоск

Bookshop – книжный магазин

Butcher ' s – мясной магазин

Bakery – булочная

Post office – почта

Newsagent ' s – газетный киоск

Greengrocer ' s – овощной магазин

Chemist ' s – аптека

Furniture – мебельный

Travel agent ' s – туристическое бюро

Supermarket – супермаркет

Antique shop – антикварный магазин

Boutique – бутик

Jeweller ' s – ювелирный магазин

Section store – универмаг

Flower stall – цветочный киоск

Florist ' south – цветочный магазин

Hair and Beauty salon – салон красоты

Designer fashion house – дом моды

2. Where can you buy these things? What else can yous buy in each identify in Ex. ane?

Apples, a airplane ticket, onetime clocks, a book, a pair of trousers, a packet of painkillers, a diamond ring, lilies, an armchair, grapes, pralines, a bottle of perfume, lamb chops, lace tablecloths, a leather suitcase, stamps, a woolen skirt, a leather jacket, hairspray, a bouquet of roses, a washing machine, a magazine, saccharide, chocolates,

a gold necklace, a loaf of staff of life, television receiver, a silver ring, a sofa, cereal, tulips, sweets, tablets, lettuce, aspirin, roses, oranges, diamond earrings, steak, washing-up liquid, sausages

Example: Yous tin purchase apples at a greengrocer'south.

3. In pairs, utilize the phrases below and words from Ex. two to human activity out dialogues, as in case.


Can I accept …, please?

Could I have …, please?

Accept you got any …?

I'd like …, delight.


Aye, of class.

Hither you are.

I'm afraid we haven't got any left.

SA: Can I have some apples, please?

SB: I/yard afraid nosotros oasis't got any left.

4. Wait at the championship of the article below. What exercise you call back the commodity about?

5. a) Read the article and friction match the headings to the right paragraphs.

A Recommendation C A Shopper'south Paradise

B Opening Hours D Places to Become and Things to Purchase

Exotic Shopping In Paris

1/__ Paris, the upper-case letter of France, is a shopper'due south paradise, with enough of large section stores as well every bit thousands of delightful smaller shops.

2/__ Antique lovers tin can detect fantastic article of furniture in the small antiquarian shops on Bonaparte and Jacob Streets, and collectors can observe rare books on the bookstalls lining the banks of the River Seine. There are too some great department stores which sell everything from perfume to article of furniture. Galleries Lafayette, Paris' largest


department store on Boulevard Haussmann, offers a peachy variety of loftier quality woolen skirts, leather jackets and designer clothes. The Marais is a group of little streets with some of the trendiest boutiques. There you tin can buy fashionable apparel, shoes and jewellery. For shoppers with large bank accounts, there is a wide range of jewellers' and designer fashion houses along the Rue de Rivoli, such equally Cartier, Chanel, Nina Ricci and Christian Dior.

         3/__ Shops in Paris are usually open from 8 or ten in the morning till about 7 in the evening, from Monday to Saturday. The big sales come afterwards Christmas and earlier the fall collections.

         4/__ Don't miss the chance to go shopping in Paris. There is always something to suit everyone's pocket and taste.

b) Enquire and answer questions based on the text, as in the example.

S1: Where can yous find antique shops?

S2: On Bonaparte and Jacob Streets. Which is Paris' largest department store?

S3: Galleries Lafayette. What can you purchase in that location?

7. Fill in the words from the listing, so make sentences using the completed phrases.

fashion, rare, designer, shopper's, high, bank, woolen, fall, department, antique

1. a(n) ………. paradise

two. ………. lovers

3. ………. rare

4. a(n) ………. store

five. ………. quality

6. ………. skirts

7. ………. clothers

8. ………. accounts

9. ………. way

x………. collections


eight. Fill up in the synonyms from the list.

chance, trendy, enough of, a wide range of, fantastic

1. stylish =

ii. a cracking variety =

iii. wonderful =

four. opportunity =

5. a lot of =

9. Fill in the correct words from the list.

line, offer, suit, buy, miss

one. You lot can ….. inexpensive clothes during the big sales.

2. Bloom stalls ….. the banks of the river.

3. At Galleries Lafayette shoppers can always find something to ….. their taste and pocket.

four. Don't ….. the take a chance to visit the big section stores.

5. The big department stores ….. a great variety of products.

10. Fill in the correct prepositions, then make sentences using the completed phrases.

1. ….. Bonaparte Street; ii. ….. the bookstalls; three. the banks ….. the River Seine;

4. ….. eight ….. the morning time ….. vii ….. the evening

xi. Speaking

a) Suggest some other championship for the commodity.

b) Read the text over again and take notes under the following headings. Then, talk about shopping in Paris.

· name of city – location

· best shops – where they are – things to purchase

· opening hours – sales

· recommendation


12. Read, interpret and retell the text.


When we want to purchase something, we go to a shop. There are many kinds of shops in every town or city, but most of them take a food supermarket, a department store, men's and women's clothing stores, grocery, a bakery and a slaughter-house.

I like to practice my shopping at big department stores and supermarkets. They sell various goods under one roof and this is very convenient. A section store, for instance, true to its proper name, is composed of many departments: readymade apparel, fabrics, shoes, sports goods, toys, china and glass, electric appliances, cosmetics, linen, curtains, cameras, records, etc. You tin can purchase everything yous like there.

At that place are also escalators in big stores which take customers to different floors. The things for sale are on the counters then that they can be hands seen. In the women'due south clothing section you can find dresses, costumes, blouses, skirts, coats, beautiful underwear and many other things. In the men's clothing department you can choose suits, trousers, overcoats, ties, etc.

In the knitwear department i tin can purchase sweaters, cardigans, short-sleeved and long-sleeved pullovers, woollen jackets. In the perfumery they sell face cream and powder, lipstick, lotions and shampoos.

In a nutrient supermarket we can too buy many unlike things at once: sausages, fish, saccharide, macaroni, flour, cereals, tea. At the butcher's at that place is a wide choice of meat and poultry. At the bakery you buy dark-brown and white bread, rolls, biscuits.

Another store nosotros frequently go to is the greengrocery which is stocked past cabbage, potatoes, onions, cucumbers, carrots, beetroots, green peas and what not. Everything is sold here set up-weighed and packed. If you call round at a dairy you can purchase milk, cream, cheese, butter and many other products.

The methods of shopping may vary. It may be a selfservice shop where the customer goes from counter to counter selecting and putting into a basket what he wishes to buy. Then he takes the basket to the bank check-out counter, where the prices of the purchases are added up. If it is non a self-service shop, and virtually small-scale shops are not, the shop-assistant helps the customer in finding what he wants. Y'all pay money to the cashier and he gives you back the change.


supermarket — супермаркет
store —
магазин , отдел
various —
under one roof —
под одной крышей
to exist equanimous of... —
состоять ( из чего - то )
prepare-weighed and packed —
в расфасованном и упакованном виде
fabrics —
escalator —
customer —


13. Answer the questions.

1. What exercise we do when nosotros desire to buy something?
2. What kinds of shops are there in every boondocks?
3. Where do you similar to do your shopping?
4. What departments is a section store equanimous of?
5. Where are the things for auction?
6. What can nosotros purchase in the knitwear department?
7. What tin can we buy in a nutrient supermarket?
8. What methods of shopping are at that place?

14. Choose the right answer.

Sales staffare often told that "the ....... is always right".
two. Small-scale shopkeepers are facing ....... competition from supermarkets.
three. A shop - ....... is someone who steals from shops and stores.

4. A modern
cash registerkeeps a tape of every ....... .
v. If you lot are rude to customers they are ....... to come back.


half dozen.
Small shopswill survive as they provide a personal ....... .
7. Deplorable to ....... you, but have you got the key to the storeroom?
8. Recollect the customer is always right. You must always be ....... .
9. Mr Clever was ....... the
packingdepartment of the store.
at charge of
in charge of
on charge from
with accuse to
10. I'm sorry, but the book is out of ....... .

11. Mr Trustworthy has a very .......
jobas sales manager.


15. Put each of the following words and phrases into its correct identify in the passage below.

advertising     department     dissimilar     apply
families     fiscal     floors     goods
handles     jobs     located     merchandise
needs     occupies     optician'southward     personnel
price     purchases     records     roof
sales promotion     section     services     shopping
staff     store     travel agency     typical

Section Store

A department store is a which sells many kinds of goods, each in a separate . Modernistic department stores serve the of unabridged . People enjoy in such stores because they can make all their nether one .
department shop 1 large building, with separate departments on a number of . A number provide special , such as a or .
Section stores
hundreds of people for different . Employees buy, , and sell the . The managing director and his promote the sale of through and other techniques. The comptroller heads the that keeps and manages the store's diplomacy. The staff hire employeesand other employment problems.

16. Choose the right reply.
one. The ....... was thronged with crowds of shoppers on Sabbatum.
2. What practice y'all think of this sometime
oil lamp? I got it cheap at a ....... auction.


3. The weekly market sells mainly fruit, vegetables and dairy .......
4. You tin can buy an fe at any ....... store.
v. Her uncle has a big .......
half dozen. The butcher'due south shop was an quondam-fashioned ane; there was ....... on the floor.

17. DOING THE SHOPPING. Choose the right answer.

i. Alice oftentimes ....... her mother to the shops.
2. There are pictures of all the
new modelsin our sales ....... .
tract nine
3. Linda has bought some attractive ....... paper for her Christmas presents.
4. ....... -
order shoppingis popular amidsthousewives.
v. Mrs Forgetful couldn't recollect what she had to buy for the weekend as she had lost her shopping ....... .
half dozen. I was ....... by the diction of the
7. To become your map of Scotland just fill up in the ....... and transport information technology with $ one to the Tourist Lath.
8. We regret that it is impossible to run across the ....... dates for the goods you recently ordered from u.s.a..
9. We ....... to inform you that we cannot exchange articles once they have left the shop.
respect 10
10. The goods they have on offer today are certainly ....... .
good value
11. Everything in the supermarket is marked with a cost ....... .
12. Mrs. Thrifty came to the market hoping to ....... a inexpensive coat.
pick on
pick out
option through
option up

18. Match the kinds of places where you tin buy things with their definitions.

1. bazaar -
two. mobile shop
3. boutique
four. section store
v. kiosk
half-dozen. market
7. shopping arcade
8. shopping middle
ix. shopping precinct
10. stall
eleven. store
12. supermarket

a . a large shop divided into smaller parts, in each of which different types of goods are sold
b. a large shop selling mainly food where ane serves oneself
c. a large shop
d. a table or small open up-fronted store in a public place
due east. shop for the sale of cheap appurtenances of great multifariousness
f. a part of a town limited to shopping; often without cars
g. a covered moveable shop
h. a modest open hut, such as one used for selling newspapers
i. a small shop selling stylish clothes
j. a group of shops of different kinds, planned and built as a whole
one thousand. a covered passage with a row of shops on either side

l. open identify where people meet to buy and sell goods, specially food eleven

19.Containers. Match each container with its contents.

one. barrel                a. depository financial institution notes, tickets, ets.

2. basket               b. beer

iii. bin                     c. humid water

4. box                    d. business papers

5. briefcase           eastward. cash, surreptitious documents, jewellery

vi. envelope           f. clothes for holidays

7. thermos flask   g. clothes for longer holidays

viii. jug                      h. coins

9. kettle                  i. flowers

ten. purse                j. hot coffee, cold drinks

11. safety                   k. letter

12. satchel              50. matches

xiii. suitcase            m. school books

fourteen. tank                  northward. shopping

15. trunk                 o. suits, jackets, clothes

16. vase                   p. waste paper or breadstuff

17. wallet                q. water, petrol

18. wardrobe          r. water, milk

20. Additional Words and Expressions on the Subject "Shopping"

Can I assist you? – Чем могу служить ?

I desire – Я хочу

Do you lot take any…? – У вас есть …?

What can I testify you? – Что Вам показать ?

Can y'all show me…? – Покажите , пожалуйста

Are you lot existence served? – Вас обслуживают ?

Is there anything on auction? – Есть что - нибудь в ( рас ) продаже ?

At what department can I buy…? – В каком отделе я могу купить …?

Please , show me … - Пожалуйста, покажите мне…

Show me something in a different style (cut). – Покажите мне что - нибудь другого фасона ( покроя ).

Show me something cheaper . – Покажите мне что-нибудь дешевле.

Show me something i size smaller ( larger ). – Покажите мне что-нибудь меньшего (большего) размера.

What can you recommend ? – Что Вы можете порекомендовать?

Could you give me some advice? – Посоветуйте мне , пожалуйста

This folder will describe it for yous. – В этом буклете все описано .

What make is it? – Чье это производство ?

I don't like the colour (the cut). – Мне не нравится цвет ( покрой ).

What about this one ? – Как насчет вот этого?

What size are you lot ? – Какой у вас размер?

What ' s wrong with it ? – Чем он Вам не нравится?


It ' s not my size . – Это не мой размер.

It ' southward too long ( short , narrow , loose ). – Он слишком длинный (короткий, узкий, свободный).

Accept yous whatever particular style or colour in mind? – У вас есть особый стиль или цвет ?

How does that feel on you lot? – Он Вам годится ?

Where is the fitting room? – Где примерочная ?

I'd similar to try it on. – Мне бы хотелось примерить .

It fits you like a glove (It suits you perfectly). – Вам как раз впору .

This hat matches my new handbag . – Эта шляпа подходит по цвету к моей новой сумочке.

May I regard myself in the mirror? – Можно осмотреть себя в зеркале ?

I think it goes with my coat. – Я думаю , она сочетается с моим пальто .

How much does that sell for? – За какую цену это продается ?

What is the price of it? (How much is it? What does it cost?) – Сколько это стоит ?

Do yous give a discount? – Вы даете скидку ?

Information technology ' due south too expensive for me . – Это слишком дорого для меня.

It ' southward really cheap . – Это действительно дешево.

It ' s a real bargain . – Это выгодная покупка.

I'll take information technology. – Я возьму это .

Can you wrap it up? – Заверните , пожалуйста .

Hither you are. – Вот , пожалуйста .

Anything else ? – Еще что-нибудь?

I'll have the poor salesman worn out. – Я совсем замучил продавца .

I can driblet in once again. – Я зайду опять .

Practice you exchange it or do you get a refund? – Вы меняете это или возвращаете деньги ?

I'd like to ask you lot to hold it till I go back. – Я попрошу Вас отложить это , пока я не вернусь .

Give thanks you . – Спасибо.

Whatever fourth dimension . – Всегда рады Вам помочь.

fashion, fashion – мода

in mode – в моде

out of fashion – не в моде

old-fashioned – старомодный

to wearable (wore; worn)

to exist dressed in smth. – носить, быть одетым в…

to have smth on

to become (became, go) – идти , быть к лицу

to fit – сидеть, годиться, быть впору

to match – подходить по цвету, тону

to get with – подходить, соответствовать

to suit – подходить, соответствовать, быть к лицу

to do shopping (to go shopping) – делать покупки


sleeve – рукав

neckband – воротник

seam – шов

zip (zipper) – « молния »

pocket – карман

21. Enquire your friend:

- любит ли он ходить в магазины;

 - как часто он делает дорогие покупки;

 - сколько стоит телевизор и холодильник;

 - что он покупает в подарок ко дню рождения друга;

 - обращается ли он за помощью к продавцу;

 - какую одежду он предпочитает: спортивную или элегантную;

 - какие товары он покупает к началу учебного года;

 - какие магазины находятся рядом с его домом;

 - нравится ли ему профессия продавца.

22. Human activity out the situations using the post-obit words and word combinations:

a) a cocky-service shop, a shop window, to brandish goods, a shop-assistant, to

    serve the customer, a basket, a counter, a cashier, to cost, to requite back

    the alter;

b) a blouse, to fit, to suit, a fitting room, to try on, tight, loose, of the latest

    style and style, to be out of fashion;

c) a book store, to wait for, exist on sale, to exist sold out, to recommend, a

newspaper stall, to exist lucky.

23. Translate from Russian into English.


А:   В котором часу закрываются магазины?

В:   Большинство закрывается в 18 часов.

А:   У нас еще есть время пойти за покупками?

В:   Да. Сейчас только четверть пятого.


А:   Могу я вам помочь?

В:   Да. Сколько стоит этот блокнот?

А:   Этот или вот этот?

В:   Тот, что рядом с записной книжкой.


С:    Извините, пожалуйста. Не могли бы вы мне


А:    Да, что бы вы хотели?

С:    Я хочу посмотреть эти обручальные кольца.

А:    Минуточку. Я открою витрину.



С:    Дайте мне, пожалуйста, посмотреть вон ту

        фарфоровую вазу.

А:    Которую?

С:    С цветочным рисунком, на второй полке.

А:    Пожалуйста.

С:    Сколько она стоит?

А:    10 долларов.

С:     Боюсь, это слишком дорого для меня. У вас есть

         что-нибудь похожее подешевле?


С:   Не могли бы вы мне помочь? Я ищу спортивную

       куртку для сына.

А:   Зимнюю или летнюю?

С:    Летнюю, светлого цвета.

А:    У нас хороший выбор летних спортивных курток

        из хлопка. Какой размер носит ваш сын?

С:    48

А:   Вот замечательная светло-голубая куртка. Это

       сейчас самый модный стиль.

С:    Ему хочется куртку с молниями на карманах.

А:   Понимаю  Как на счет этой?

С:   Да. Замечательно. Сколько она стоит?

А:   25,l.

С:   Прекрасно, я возьму ее.

А:   Спасибо. Сейчас я заверну. Вот ваш чек. Касса в

       конце зала у выхода.


А:  Почему ты выбрал зеленый?

С:  По правде говоря, в моем размере выбор был


А:  Извини, что спрашиваю, но сколько ты заплатил за


С:  Он был на распродаже, и я заплатил только 45$


А: Мне нужна пара новых брюк, но сейчас у меня туго с


В: В нашем универмаге сейчас большая распродажа

     готовой одежды.

А: Прекрасно. В прошлом году купил пару уличных

     ботинок на распродаже. Я ношу их каждый день

     целый год, и они выглядят как новые. Очень

     выгодная покупка.

В: Пойдем, посмотрим. Может быть, ты найдешь себе

    брюки, которым тоже сносу не будет. fifteen


С: Я ищу легкую блузку к этому пиджаку. Какие

     шелковые блузки у вас есть?

А: Я думаю, вот эта табачного цвета вам подойдет.

С:  Этот цвет гармонирует с цветом пиджака, да , но он

      не идет мне. Мне хотелось бы что-нибудь в серо-

      голубых тонах.

А: Тогда посмотрите вот эти. У нас есть блузки семи

     оттенков голубого.

С:  Я хотела бы примерить вот эту.

А:  Пожалуйста. Примерочная вон там.

С:   К сожалению, она мне слишком велика. Есть у вас

       блузки такого же оттенка, но на размер меньше?

А:  Боюсь, эта – последняя такого оттенка, что у нас

      осталась. Но вот блузка вашего размера, только чуть-

     чуть темнее. Может быть примерите ее?

С: Спасибо…Да, она прекрасно сидит, я возьму ее. Мне

     бы хотелось еще подходящий шейный платок.

А: У нас нет шейных платков. Но вы можете

     посмотреть в галантерейном отделе.

С: Спасибо, как мне туда пройти?

А: Он в следующем зале, напротив мехового отдела.



Source: https://infourok.ru/razrabotka-po-uchebnoj-discipline-inostrannyj-yazyk-anglijskij-na-temu-pokupki-4944580.html

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