What Food Do Horse Eat Baby Horses for Sale

What do Horses Eat?

What Do Horses Eat?

While there is a huge range of horse feeds available on the market, the bulk of your horse's diet should always come from forage. The remainder of the ration can and then be made upwardly with specialist horse feeds and concentrated mixes, salt, minerals and herbal supplements, and the occasional treat. On an individual basis, what a equus caballus needs to consume will depend on a number of factors, including historic period, workload, status and whatsoever other specific medial or health issues. Here we are going to talk through all of the different equus caballus feed groups you need to know about.


Grains are a traditional feed that provide supplementary nutrition for working horses and ponies. The well-nigh well-known of these are oats, which are used to add energy to the working horse's diet. L years agone, before the introduction of compound feeds, oats were the staple diet for all working horses. Oats were readily available, inexpensive and nigh importantly, all-time suited to the horse's digestive system, making them the obvious choice for owners.

As oats have the highest fibre in relation to energy content of all the grains, they are the safest grain to feed. Because of this, oats are even so widely available as a straight horse feed, although their popularity is much reduced due to the broad range of pre-mixed feeds bachelor on the marketplace.

Otherdirect feeds and grainsare also bachelor to buy, including barley, wheat bran and soya. However, it is worth noting that  direct grains are non nutritionally balanced, and some feeds, such as bran, tin cause deficiencies in some key nutrients. Therefore care should be taken when feeding straights and it is appropriate to feed a wide specrum supplement or feed balancer alongside these feeds. Bran, when regularly fed at larger quanities should also exist supplemented by Limestone Flour to residue the calcium to phosphorous ratio. All of these are available to purchase here at Millbry Hill.

Concentrated feeds

Nowadays, most owners will feed thier horses a pre-mixed concentrate or pelletequus caballus feed. These are convenient for the owner, as they provide a balanced nutrition with free energy levels tailored to the needs of the individual horse. There are full-bodied feeds designed for every horse, from mares and foals to retired horses, and leisure horses in light piece of work, through to racehorses and high level performance horses. Provided these are fed to the manufacturers' recommended feeding rates, these feeds will provide a full balance of vitamins and minerals, tailored to your horse'due south age and workload.

Chaffs and fibre feeds

Most owners besides choose to feedchaffto thier horses, along with concentrated mixes and feeds. Made from finely chopped straw, and usually with a sweetness-tasting coating, these add actress fibre to the diet, helping to reduce the risk of digestive upsets and issues, such as stomach ulcers. They also prolong feeding fourth dimension, preventing horses from bolting their feed.

For horses in light work or balance, who practise not require the actress energy provided past full-bodied feeds, at that place are at present besides a wide range of fibre feeds available. These can be fed every bit a consummate feed, equally they are supplemented with vitamins and minerals to provide a counterbalanced nutrition when fed to recommended levels aslope adequate levels of forage.

Salt and minerals

A horse or pony that relies mainly on pasture for their nutrition may exist lacking in certain vitamins and minerals. The well-nigh basic of these is common salt, which is vital for regulating hydration. The near common way of providing this is with salt blocka ormineral licks. The horse then has complimentary access to this, so they can regulate their own needs. For horses and ponies in hard work, who are travelling longer distances, or even in extreme rut, it may too be necessary to provide electrolytes, which are available in supplement form, to assist replace torso salts after heavy sweating, maintaining good for you levels of hydration.

In add-on to salt, horses and ponies that are on a fodder simply diet, or are not being fed compound feeds to the manufacturer'due south recommended levels, may besides require supplementary vitamins and minerals. There are two primary means of providing these; either through a wide spectrum vitamin and mineral supplement, or afeed balancer.

Feed balancers

A mutual misconception among horse owners is that a feed balancer will add condition. While at that place are workout balancers available on the market, a typical balancer will not contribute a significant number of calories to the horse's diet. The purpose of a balancer is to provide the essential nutrients required to "residual" the diet in a horse that isn't receiving a full ration of complete feed or  is fed a forage just diet.

Balancers are unremarkably in small pelleted form, but some are also available every bit a textured mix. Whilst the cost per purse of a balancer may seem expensive compared to compound feeds, the depression feeding charge per unit can make these an economical option. Here at Millbry Loma, we offer a wide range of horse feed balancers that y'all tin choose from, depending on your equus caballus's individual needs.


Many owners like to feed treats, either every bit a reward during training, or as a boredom breaker for the stabled equus caballus. At that place are a wide range of specialistequus caballus treatsavailable to purchase, and we stock an all-encompassing range here at Millbry Colina. Horses also enjoy a range of fruits and vegetables, which can exist fed as a healthy treat – although information technology is worth remembering that these are high in natural sugars, and so should not be fed in large quantities.

What vegetables can horses eat?

When asking what vegetables can horses eat, the first thing that comes to mind is carrots. Yet at that place are a wide range of vegetables that are enjoyed past horses, and are safe for them to eat. Merely exist careful if providing these chopped, that the pieces are not large enough to crusade a asphyxiate take a chance. Vegetables that can horses consume include:

  • Beetroot
  • Carrot
  • Celery
  • Corn
  • Cucumber
  • Parsnip
  • Peas (ideally soaked if uncooked)
  • Pumpkin
  • Squash
  • Swede
  • Sweet potato
  • Turnip

What fruits can horses eat?

Apples, of course, are the go-to treat for many equus caballus owners. Nonetheless there are a wide range of fruits horses tin eat - simply remember to remove the stones from pitted fruits. Fruits that are safe for horses to eat include:

  • Apples
  • Apricots (pitted)
  • Bananas
  • Blackberries
  • Cherries (pited)
  • Coconut
  • Grapes
  • Mango (stone removed)
  • Pears
  • Pineapple
  • Raspberries
  • Strawberries
  • Watermelon

What foods can horses not eat?

Horses have delicate digestive systems and can exist prone to gastrointestrinal issues and colic. As a rule, information technology is best to only feed specific horse feeds and treats in addition to forage. This can be supplemented past a small quantity of "rubber" fruits and vegetables, such every bit apples and carrots, if desired. Avert feeding fruits, vegetables and other feeds loftier in sugars in large quantities, and 'human' foods, such as bread and bakery products, meat and dairy should too be avoided. There are a number of common plants that are also poison to horses too, so care should be taken to remove these from the horse's paddock.

Horses Shouldn't Eat Ragwort Horses Shouldn't Eat Foxgloves Horses Shouldn't Eat Buttercups Horses Shouldn't Eat Deadly Nightshade
Characterised past it's brilliant yellow flowers, ragwort may look pretty, only it can exist deadly to horses. Toxins build upward in the horse's system and eating just 1-5 kg over it's lifetime tin cause liver failure or death.
A much loved plant of the British countryside and woodlands, the Foxglove is peculiarly poisonous to horses. Consuming every bit piddling every bit 100g could show fatal in just a few hours.
Although horses would need to consume a big quantity to prove fatal, Buttercups are poisonous when fresh, so should be controlled in horse paddocks. Yet, they are harmless if dried in hay.
Deadly Nightshade
Every bit the name suggests, Deadly Nightshade (besides known as Belladonna), is a highly toxic establish and consuming even minor quantities of the leafage or berries can cause death in both humans and animals.

Horses Shouldn't Eat Tomato

Horses Shouldn't Eat Hemlock

Horses Shouldn't Eat Horsetails

Horses Shouldn't Eat Chocolate

Atropine, institute in the  leaves of the tomato plant can cause colic. The love apple also decreases saliva product, increases heart rate and can cause constipation.

Toxicant Hemlock
Not to exist confused with Moo-cow Parsley and other umbels, which are readily sort after past horses and ponies, Toxicant Hemlock can exist identified by the crimson/purple spots to the stem.
While generally non readily eaten past horses, Horsetail remains toxic if dried in hay, where it becomes much more palatable.
Chocolate contains theobromine which can cause colic, and in farthermost cases, seizures and internal bleeding.
Horses Shouldn't Eat Yew Horses Shouldn't Eat Privet Horses Shouldn't Eat Sycamore Horses Shouldn't Eat Caffeine
All of the fresh plant, including the leaves, twigs and berries, are toxic to horses, and the lethal dose can be every bit little every bit 500g.
Privet, and particularly box privet, can exist fatal if eaten, even in small quantities. This plant is pop in gardens, and then be aware of neighbouring hedges.
The seeds and saplings can cause the usually fatal disease, atypical myopathy. If sycamore trees are present in the horse's pasture, debate off the trees and remove seed pods and saplings.
Caffeine can cause an irregular center rhythm. When competing, it tin also result in a failed drugs test in horses.
Horses Shouldn't Eat Lawn Clippings Horses Shouldn't Eat Bracken Horses Shouldn't Eat Avacardo Horses Shouldn't Eat Potato
Grass Cuttings
Lawn clippings can cause colic, due to the horse gorging on large quantities of fermenting grass. They tin can too contain poisonous plants or traces of fuel from petrol lawnmowers.
Bracken is only harmful if eaten in large quantities over a menses of time. However horses can develop a gustatory modality for it so it is best to avoid it in pastures.
All of the avocado establish, including the pare, flesh and stone of the fruit is poisonous to horses. The stone would too be a asphyxiate risk.
Green or rotten potatoes can cause toxicosis in horses. If eaten whole, they can cause choke, so should not be fed.
Horses Shouldn't Eat Rhododendron Horses Shouldn't Eat Cabbage Horses Shouldn't Eat Rhubarb Horses Shouldn't Eat Acorns
Highly toxic to horses, Rhododendron can cause death past failure of the respiratory system, fifty-fifty when consumed in very small quantities.
Cabbage, Broccoli & Cauliflower
Cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower tin all cause severe gas if eaten in big amounts, resulting in symptoms of colic.
The leaves of the rhubarb constitute are poisonous to horses, causing kidney failure and damage to the digestive and urinary systems.
Acorns can cause poisoning and severe colic if eaten in large quantities. As horses can sometimes get a taste for acorns and search them out while grazing, it is best to fence off any oak trees in the paddock.

The bones nutrition for a equus caballus will remain constant throughout its adult life; that is a requirement for forage (at a rate of 1% - 2.5% of the horse'southward body weight per mean solar day) and a broad spectrum of vitamins and minerals. However, workload and health issues can affect a horse'due south diet.

For example, operation horses, or those in medium to hard piece of work, will have a higher energy requirement, and therefore will require boosted concentrated feed. Broodmares and convenance stock volition take college nutritional requirements, which can be provided by specialist feeds such asstud mixes, or specific feed supplements. Besides elderly horses may take problem with their teeth, so will require feeds that are easier to chew, and in some cases, may need some of their forage requirement met by hay replacers.

When considering the horse'southward diet and what horses consume, this is best taken on an individual basis. While the basic rule of feeding a high fibre nutrition (typically fed through forage), supplemented by essential vitamins and minerals is true of all horses, the equus caballus's specific requirements will make up one's mind what foods they should eat. At Millbry Hill we stock a wide range ofhorse feeds,haylage,supplementsandfeed balancers, and so you can tailor your horse'south feeding regime to his exact needs. For individual guidance on what to feed your horse, our trained store staff volition be happy to advise.


Source: https://millbryhill.co.uk/blogs/knowledgebase/what-do-horses-eat-a-guide-to-feeding-your-horse

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