A location is the place where a item indicate or object exists. Location is an important term in geography, and is usually considered more precise than "identify." A locality is a man settlement: city, boondocks, village, or even archaeological site.

A place'south absolute location is its exact identify on Earth, often given in terms of latitude and longitude.

For example, the Empire Country Building is located at 40.7 degrees north (latitude), 74 degrees west (longitude). It sits at the intersection of 33rd Street and Fifth Avenue in New York City, New York. That is the building's accented location.

Location tin sometimes be expressed in relative terms. Relative location is a clarification of how a place is related to other places. For case, the Empire State Edifice is 365 kilometers (227 miles) north of the White House in Washington, D.C. It is also almost 15 blocks from New York'south Central Park. These are just 2 of the building's relative locations.

Relative location tin aid analyze how two places are connected, whether by distance, civilisation, or even engineering science. The city of Kiev, Ukraine, for case, is about 2,298 kilometers (1,428 miles) east of London, England. The U.S. cities of Key W, Florida, and Anchorage, Alaska, are even further apart—6,436 kilometers (3,999 miles). However, Floridians and Alaskans share the same linguistic communication, national government, and geographic features. (They both have long ocean coasts subject to heavy storms, for instance.). Culturally, Ukraine and England are much further autonomously than Florida and Alaska: They speak different languages, have different authorities systems, and different geographic features. (Ukraine is landlocked, for case, while England is part of the island nation of the Great britain.)

Directions like n, south, east, and w assist draw where 1 place is in relation to another. The "Wild West" is a cultural location that vaguely refers to parts of the United states westward of the Mississippi River. The Wild West, however, rarely includes the states of Alaska and Hawaii, the westernmost states in the nation.

Coordinates of longitude and latitude assist pinpoint the absolute location of a person, place, or thing. Knowing a location is 0 degrees west (longitude) and 51 degrees north (latitude) tells you it'south probably near Greenwich, England, for example. Knowing the location is 0 degrees west and 51 degrees, 28 minutes, and forty seconds n tells you the location is the Imperial Observatory, a edifice in Greenwich. At the Imperial Observatory, directions like left, correct, upstairs, and downstairs give visitors fifty-fifty more precise locations.

Even absolute location is a grade of relative location! Coordinates simply give a identify's position relative to the Equator (breadth) and prime summit (longitude).


Signs often point in the general management of a location.

Location, Location, Location
Traditionally, those are the three nearly important factors in buying and selling real estate.

A Global Positioning Organization, or GPS, uses satellites orbiting the Earth to chronicle accented location.

absolute location


exact spot where something is located, usually its latitude and longitude.



specific location, using street names or landmarks, of a building or site.



to written report in detail.



a ready of numbers giving the precise location of a point, oft its latitude and longitude.


learned behavior of people, including their languages, belief systems, social structures, institutions, and material goods.


the fashion in which somebody or something goes, points, or faces.

Empire State Building


(1931) skyscraper in New York City, New York.


imaginary line effectually the World, another planet, or star running e-due west, 0 degrees latitude.



precise or finely detailed.


study of places and the relationships between people and their environments.



organisation or guild of a nation, country, or other political unit.


body of country surrounded by h2o.



having no access to an ocean or sea.


distance north or south of the Equator, measured in degrees.



general area of a populated or in one case-populated place.


position of a particular indicate on the surface of the Earth.


distance eastward or west of the prime number meridian, measured in degrees.


imaginary line effectually the Globe running due north-south, 0 degrees longitude.

relative location


general spot where something is located; its identify in relation to something else.



severe weather indicating a disturbed state of the atmosphere resulting from uplifted air.

applied science


the scientific discipline of using tools and complex machines to make human life easier or more profitable.