Subway Paradise Pic Subway Funny Photos

The subway is a weird and wonderful place, that many of us have to use at least once a day. However, how many of these bizarre things have you ever seen on the subway yourself?

A closer look

This might seem like a regular photo, but try taking a closer look. That's right; there is a hidden guest on this subway. The woman might have gotten away with her stowaway if it wasn't for the shifty look on her face.

However, the person snapping the photo apparently couldn't help but notice she seemed up to no good and had to find out what was lurking beneath her coat. Thankfully, it was just a tiny adorable kitten looking to get across the city.

A real rodent problem

Wherever there are people, there is food. And wherever there is food, there is, unfortunately, usually going to be rats. It seems inevitable that the little rodents will turn up at some point.

However, we never realized they had grown to be so big over the years. What on Earth have they been feeding these critters down in the subway? Actually, it might not be as bad as we once feared. It seemed as though this couple just forgot to take off their costumes.

Bending into position

We've seen people do yoga in classes. We've seen people do yoga on beaches. We've even seen people do yoga at airports, but we can't say we've ever seen anyone make use of the space in this way.

An empty subway carriage usually means you can enjoy the peace and quiet. While this woman might be keeping the noise down, it seems as though she's making use of the space to prepare for her next workout. Maybe she's running late for her class?

Taking a look

Okay, it seems as though you're going to run into some strange people wherever you go. However, we imagine this man never thought he would get caught in the act!

Unfortunately for this lady, she seems to be going about her business only to find that someone wanted to take a closer look. Hopefully, the man in the background was caught mid-daydream, and it was just an unfortunate photo. If not, this isn't the best snap to find its way to the internet.

Animal antics

Who needs a trip to the zoo when you could take a ride on the subway and get closer to the animals than you ever imagined? This rhino might take up a lot of space, but they certainly know how to make an impact.

We bet making it up and down those stairs was a nightmare. By the looks of it, it looks like they are on the way to save the rhino, and this costume sure will make an impact.

Something blue

Sure, many of us have heard that you should have something blue on your wedding day, but should that really be the bride? It seems as though there is a story lurking beneath the surface and we only wish we knew the truth.

Perhaps she decided to run away from the altar? Maybe a huge secret was revealed before the couple said their vows? What if the tears are due to the fact the subway is running late? We hope it was a happy ending either way.

He's late, he's late

Descending the stairs to the subway can often feel as though we are entering a new land. However, we can't say that we ever thought we were stepping into Wonderland. That was until we saw this strange subway snap.

Perhaps Alice and her magical land weren't all make-believe after all? It looks as though there is plenty of inspiration in the real world to bring those creatures to life. Not that it's every day you see a white rabbit in a waistcoat…

Longing for the forest

Have you ever had one of those moments where it seems as though you have captured a mythical beast on camera? You need to act fast if you want to get a snap or the crowds of people might not believe your story.

While most of the photos look as though they have been taken on potatoes, it seems as though this subway rider was lucky enough to capture Bigfoot in the flesh, but would anyone believe he was real? Don't worry; Bigfoot doesn't believe in you either.

All tied up

Have no fear; we have no idea what is going on in this photo either. Sometimes, it seems as though we have to twist into the strangest of shapes just to get comfortable.

From lying off the edge of the couch to holding one leg up in the air while balancing on a finger – there is no end to the number of positions we have tried in the search for comfort. This woman appears to have found hers – and it involves defying all physics and becoming a human pretzel.

Stuff of nightmares

It looks as though some subways need to start coming with warnings for some needing a ride. Some people are scared of creepy crawlies while others shiver at the thought of heights. However, many suffer from coulrophobia – or a fear of clowns to you and us.

Although this person appears to be going about their business, we can't help but feel a sense of panic from looking too closely at this strange subway snap. We imagine many people got off at the next stop.

Come in peace

This photo seems strange, and only gets weirder the closer you look. A giant cat on the subway is one thing, but what about when they come adorned with gold jewelry and a tablet? That's when things head to a new level.

Thankfully, it looks as though this feline comes in peace and is happy to pose for a photo or two. We just wonder where they could have been heading? They've certainly taken us on a journey with their outfit.

Don't look too closely

Have you ever had that feeling that someone is watching you? Apparently, this natural instinct is one that has followed us from our time in caves, and could one day save our lives.

We're sure this person never expected to turn around and see this set of eyes staring back at them. They are now left with two options: either run for their lives or face the demon head on and hope they come out the other side. Either way, those eyes are pretty transfixing.

Keeping hidden

Camouflage is great. Now, you can blend in and hide away from all those people you don't want to see while still getting to enjoy the outside. That is until you find yourself against the wrong colored background.

While moss might work for diving into bushes at the park to avoid a coworker, it isn't always the best option for someone on the subway. The woman beside the person sure looks confused by their choice of outfit, and we can't say we blame her.

Keeping it in the family

Halloween is the time of year where we can put all our creativity levels to good use and come up with some of the best costumes on the planet. The best thing about having kids? They can become the final piece to the costume puzzle that you have been lacking all these years.

Many of us have enjoyed Where the Wild Things Are, but that doesn't mean we'd want to be so close to the wild beasts themselves. At least the youngster adds a touch of adorableness to the group costume.

Meal prep

Some days, it can seem as though there is no time left to make a home-cooked meal. Heading off to the office, working yourself to the bone, and making the long commute back across the city can all be pretty draining. It can be easy to want a quick fix for dinner.

So what if we told you that you could now make the most of your travel time and enjoy a delicious meal by the time you are home? Sure, the smell of onions might not make you very popular, but at least you'll be well fed.

Bringing travel snacks

Traveling can be enough to make even the best of us crave a snack or two. All those hours on the road sure can take it out of us. But why opt for a dull meal when you could really spice things up?

That's right; it might be time to follow in this lady's footsteps and grab a jar of mayo before heading off to the subway. Desperate times call for desperate measures, and sometimes we just can't help our cravings.

All freshened up

Hands up if you've ever hit snooze so many times on the alarm that you are left with no choice but to roll out of bed with only five minutes left to get ready for work? So it's not just us? That's great.

It looks as though this woman soon found herself sleepwalking to the subway, but there were still a few things left to do before she could walk into the office. After all, she didn't want everyone smelling that garlic dinner from the night before.

Subway of darkness

There is so much to this photo that it can be tough to know where to begin. To start, this person appears to have a favorite color, and we love the dedication they have used to match every item of clothing to their hair so perfectly.

But what about their feathered friend? It's not every day you get to see a raven on the subway, and it might be no surprise this person couldn't wait to snap a photo of the traveling duo.

Saving on gas

The subway is an excellent alternative from trying to drive across the city. Not only do you save on time, but you can also save a ton of money on gas. So what about when you want the joys of the subway teamed with the comfort of your own vehicle?

Have no fear; it seems as though this person has thought up an answer. All you need to do is drive your four wheels down to the station and roll onboard. It's perfect.

Going, going, gone

Many of us have been there – the subway ride after a night on the town. All of a sudden, it can seem as though the train is traveling at 900 mph, and it can be enough to make or break even the best of us.

Occasionally, all we need is a snack to help see us through the ride. Unfortunately, it appears as though this woman had eyes bigger than her stomach. What started as a delicious meal has now turned into a beautiful floor decoration after sleep took its hold.

Getting in those hours

Whenever a new video game is released, it seems as though a portion of the world disappears into a whole new world as they battle to complete every aspect of the release. Unfortunately, work and school can often get in the way of our busy gaming schedules.

That is until we take a leaf out of this man's book and merely take out setup along for the ride. Now, we never have to hit the power button ever again. Who says millennials aren't creative?

The perfect position

It can sometimes feel as though public transport has been designed to be as uncomfortable as possible. Who thought that hard seats and a tiny space for your knees was a good idea?

Thankfully, empty carriages mean we often get the chance to stretch out and enjoy the ride. However, we can't say we have ever taken our comfort levels to the extreme of this man. At least he looks as though he is catching up on some much-needed sleep.

Room for one more

There have been many love stories over the years that have all blossomed from public transport. We know how they go by now. Boy sees a girl every day on the subway.

They spend years exchanging glances before falling hopelessly in love with one another and live happily ever after, right? However, sometimes we are left with no choice but to write our own destiny. This man couldn't wait any longer to meet his "one," so merely made them from brown paper instead.

Cabbage patch

Some days, it seems as though no matter what we do, our hair just doesn't want to play along. No amount of brushing, hairspray, or bobby pins are enough to see those flyaways tamed. These are the days where hats all of a sudden become our best friends.

But what about if that beanie is in the laundry, or you lent your stetson to your buddy and they haven't returned it yet? Don't worry; all you need to do is look in the refrigerator for an alternative.

Meal for one

Traveling home from a day at work can be the perfect time to think about what you will prepare for dinner. Unfortunately, the journey can be long, and we can be starving by the time we walk through the door.

Perhaps that's why this man was left with no option but to think on his feet? Not only has he come prepared with his very own table and platter, but he's also packed a pair of chopsticks to show off his true culinary skills.

An epic faceoff

There have been many superhero crossovers over the years. However, Batman vs. Darth Vader is one we never knew we needed until now. Darth has been able to take on all kinds of foes over the years, while Batman is used to keeping the streets safe from evil.

Whoever will win? This subway carriage was lucky enough to see as the epic fight broke out, but we may never know if it was good or evil that walked away victorious. Only time will tell.

Accepting your fate

This man's expression is enough to sum up how most of us would feel. Riding public transport means you'll probably end up to a stranger or two along your journeys.

Sure, they might have an annoying habit or two, but you'll probably never see them again, so why complain? However, this man was in for a surprise when he learned his fellow passenger's habit was to take off most of his clothes and reach maximum comfort for the duration of the trip.

Mother Time

It can often feel as though women's clothing is designed to be as impractical as possible. Don't have pockets? We'll have to buy a purse. Feeling the chill in your sheer blouse? We're forced to buy a jacket.

However, this woman seems to have had enough. No longer was she going to listen to the rules that she needed to wear a watch. Instead, she has combined her purse and need to tell time to help out not only herself but everyone around her, too.

An extra ticket

Not having a car means we often have to take a random selection of things on public transport. Whether it's delivering your Christmas gifts or bringing home a variety of groceries, they can all see many of us become the center of attention.

However, this woman was about to take her ticket to the next level. What happens when you need to move your mattress but don't have a big enough vehicle? You drag it to the bus stop and wait, of course.

Subtle clues

Many people on the subway lose themselves to a good book. After all, the hours can be the perfect opportunity to catch up on some light reading. However, you may want to think about the books you choose as everyone else will soon learn your taste in novels.

Either this man didn't think about the cover of his book, or he wanted to drop some subtle hints to the single ladies in the carriage. Either way, this could be the beginning of a great love story.

Overcoming the barriers

Heading across the city in a costume is bound to get you a few strange looks. It seems as though this man was in for more than he bargained for when he took his zebra centaur outfit out for a spin.

While he might have thought about how he will get onto the subway, it appears that he didn't consider getting through the barriers. This is just the first hurdle, and it looks as though he could already be stumped. Hopefully, the other mythical creatures all ran to the rescue.

Keeping safe

We'll be honest; we can totally relate to these people. The subway can be a breeding ground for all kinds of germs – especially as winter sets in and colds and the flu start to spread across the nation.

Thankfully, that doesn't mean we have to fall victim to the illnesses. The plague may have disappeared many years ago, but it seems as though the plague doctor outfits can still have their benefits in the modern day. If only we'd thought of this sooner.

A free ride

Bus tickets seem to be getting more and more expensive. Sure, they need to cover their own bills, but how is anyone supposed to afford a seat on the bus anymore?

This man appears to have had enough of handing over his hard-earned cash and wants to enjoy a free ride – literally. It might not be everyone's first choice, but this brave traveler apparently has a grip of steel. We just hope there were no emergency stops along the way.

Holding on

So what – it's just another snap of someone holding onto a rail on the subway, right? That is until you realize this woman has created a post of her own. Being short means it can often be tough to reach up to the rails above.

Plus, being late onto an already packed subway usually means we won't have anywhere to hold onto at all. This woman knew the dangers she faced and had enough of tumbling to the floor. We sure hope this plunger was new.

Getting there late

What happens when you realize you're nearly 200 years too late for your meeting? You hop on the subway and hope for the best, we guess. We thought Napoleon was long gone, but it seems as though he merely got lost in time along the way instead.

Apparently, all he needed was a sleep on the subway, and he would be ready for battle by the morning. That is if he ever got off at the right stop. How far does this thing go anyway?

Nose deep

We've seen how kids can fall asleep in just about any position, but what about fully-grown adults? It looks as though they are no exception to the rule.

This woman might have been bored and looking for a way to keep entertained, or she might have had enough of spending her waking hours on public transport. Either way, resting your nose on the bar sure is one way to take a pretty unique subway photo. Hopefully, she disinfected the bar first.

Eyebrows on fleek

Okay, there have been many strange beauty trends over the years, but this one might take the cake. From using forks to contour to curling hair in plastic bottles – is there no end to the madness? Apparently not.

This woman is either onto something, or she really is acting as strangely as it seems. We're not quite sure what the knife is doing, but we sure hope she gets the results she wanted or all those odd looks were for nothing.

Along for the ride

It can be a common sight to see couples getting all loved up on the subway. After all, it can be tough to keep your hands off each other when you're in a new relationship.

Although it seems as though this pair are head over heels for one another, it looks like their relationship might be one-sided. This sure is a woman of little words as the last time we checked, dolls can't talk – unless you ask Chucky. We wonder if they're off to a ventriloquist contest?

At the end of the line

We always thought that pits of gold lay at the end of the rainbow, but it's starting to all make sense. After all, those pots have to get their somehow, right? It looks as though this leprechaun has been tasked with taking this haul to its next destination.

While not many of us can say we have seen a mythical creature on public transport, it sure does give us a glimpse into their lives. We never knew they had so many things to take with them on their travels.

A hidden talent

Many of us like to take up a new hobby or learn a new skill as part of our New Year's resolutions. Unfortunately, most of them fizzle out by the end of January and become another one of our grand ideas.

However, this man looks set to prove everyone wrong. Crocheting is a skill that is getting lost amongst the modern world, but this man seems set to bring it back to life. Legend has it he's still taking orders for the holidays.

At one with nature

Mother Nature – is that you? If not, this person certainly looks as though they are trying to become at one with the rain. It can be easy to fade into the background in a city, especially with thousands of people all trying to stand out.

Why blend in when you could pick up an outfit like this instead? Not only is it practical thanks to the umbrella hat, but it also looks as though you'll almost always be guaranteed a seat to yourself on the subway.

Keeping space

We'll be the first to admit that we love our personal space. It seems as though many travelers forget how to keep away when on the subway. Is there anything we can do to keep them away? Apparently so.

All you need to do is invest in a giant plastic cage, and you'll soon be set. No longer will you have to deal with people's 'pits in your face or someone breathing your air. Now, you can enjoy the freedom of space and comfort.

All wrapped up

There's dedication to creating an epic costume, and then there's taking it to the next level. Dressing up like a mummy might seem like a simple answer, but what happens to the toilet paper when you're in the rain?

Ah, it's back to the drawing board. It seems as though all you need to bring your dreams of being the best at the party back to life is a whole heap of parcel tape teamed with plenty of time. Even their drink has got the tape treatment.

Keeping to theme

There are a whole host of fashion choices out there, and it seems as though some people don't understand the threads of a goth. Sure, wearing all black might not be a choice many of us want to make, but where's the harm?

This man has shown off his true makeup skills thanks to finding a white foundation that defies all odds. As if that wasn't enough, he's even been able to match his green dreads to the spikes on his bag, and we love it.

Cuddling the beast

There's nothing quite like snuggling up to your favorite childhood toy and enjoying a good book, right? It doesn't matter how old we get; those stuffed animals can hold a lifetime of memories that many of us want to enjoy forever.

However, it seems as though this man isn't quite ready to let go. Rather than leave his striped friend at home, he has decided to take them out for a ride on the subway to recreate that perfect reading nook on the move.

The perfect fit

Believe it or not, but many states have banned pet owners from taking their four-legged friend on the subway. However, there is an exception to the rule. Pooches are allowed on board if you can fit them in a bag.

That sounds less like a rule and more of a challenge – and one this man was willing to take on headfirst. Trying to get a husky to stay in a bag might have been tough to start with, but it sure did make for one impressive trick.

Going green

We wonder where this soldier is heading on their journey? While many may think back to their childhood toys, this person's outfit has us imagining up all those soldiers from Toy Story.

We just hope the rest of their troop is waiting to board the subway further down the line. Although it may seem as though they have merely opted for some green clothing for their costume, this person has taken it one step further thanks to their fairly terrifying mask.

The need for… Convenience?

Imagine if we lived in a world where superheroes walked the streets. Wouldn't that be a sight? Although it means we'd probably have a host of supervillains to deal with too, at least we would have these crime-fighting stars on our side.

Thankfully, this person has given us a glimpse into what the world would look like if Spiderman were part of the pack. It seems as though this hero would be riding the subway like the rest of us. Maybe he's checking for crime updates?

Hang in there

Although we thought we knew the meaning of people hanging around the subway, it seems as though this person has taken it to a whole new level. The best bit? The man is casually checking his phone while he appears to be defying gravity.

We're not sure why anyone would choose to ride the subway like this, but we know we would be a mess on the floor before we made it to the next station. We wonder how he discovered his hidden skill?

Designed to stand out

Some of us are born to be sheep. Others enter this world to prove how being different can be one of life's greatest experiences. This man could have left it with the fluffy jacket or face tattoo, but enough is never enough.

Instead, it looks as though he needed to take his love of ink to a new level by covering his entire body – including his hairline. However, he didn't want just anything instead of a hairdo; he needed a designer piece to take its place.

Swim with the fishes

Have you ever had one of those outfits that is just so comfortable that you never want to take it off no matter how ridiculous it might seem? Yup, us too. And it looks as though we're not alone.

It appears this man must have just finished his shift and couldn't bear to part ways with his mascot outfit. That or he appreciated that it was one of the most comfortable things he had ever worn in his life. Either way, it helped secure him a seat.

Feeling extra

Sometimes we can wake up feeling just a little bit extra than the day before, right? While many of us would be happy with a pair of glittery heels or a new hairdo, it seems as though this man wanted to take his outfit to the next level.

It's time to break out the pink wig and sunglasses combo for the subway ride of his life. We're sure this man never expected to be in the presence of such greatness that day, but you never know who you might meet along the way.

A close cut

Ah, Edward Scissorhands – the mashed up monster who stole many of our hearts all those years ago. Sure, he may have had, well, scissors for hands, but that didn't mean he wasn't one of Tim Burton's most lovable creations.

Of course, Johnny Depp bringing him to life only helped the situation. All these years later, and it looks as though this man wanted to breath new life into his hero once again – and couldn't wait to surprise the subway with his costume.

Standing above the crowd

What happens when you're about to enter a bizarre costume contest, and you need to be there ASAP with no time to get ready? It looks as though you are left with no choice but to board the subway and hope for the best.

At first, it seems like this man has opted to dress as a giraffe. However, that idea goes out the window when you realize the animal has blue tassels hanging from its neck and appears to be covered in cow spots. What is happening anymore?!

All that glitters is gold

Sometimes, we can look in the mirror and struggle to understand the reflection that is staring us in the face. Sure, we feel like a million dollars, so why shouldn't that be reflected in our appearance?

We could buy some expensive makeup or treat ourselves to a fancy outfit, but that would be too easy. Instead, this person has shown how we can bring our inner glitter dreams to life by smashing or face into some gold – literally. We imagine that led to an interesting cleanup.

A well-behaved pooch

It can be tough to ignore a dog – especially when they're acting like such a good pooch. There is a reason they are referred to as man's best friend, and it seems as though putting up with everything we throw their way is just one of them.

This woman looks as though she is also trying to follow the "dogs must be in bags" rule so she can get her friend onto the subway. No one said the bag couldn't walk itself, did they?

A hairy situation

While many women think they have it hard when it comes to perfecting their hair, it seems as though men have just as tough a job, too. After all, many look to ways to create the most unique hairstyles with some barbers going to incredible lengths to get the results.

However, it seems this man accidentally walked into a permanent marker store instead. Perhaps this is the way forwards? Merely wash off your old hairdo when you fancy a change.

Hold on tight

While seeing dogs at the subway might be a regular occurrence for many of us, not everyone is used to a pooch quite like this one. This woman looks as though she has gone against the bag rule and is hoping to sneak her four-legged friend on as a child instead.

We're impressed as this dog's ability to stand up like this for so long, let alone doing so in a pink outfit. We're not surprised the man in the background looks so confused by the whole thing.

Fly up up and away

Why would you ride the subway when you could jump on your broomstick and hot-tail it to Hogwarts instead? These winged beauties sure do complete the look of any magical being.

Unfortunately, it seems as though they might have missed the Hogwarts Express this year and are trying to catch up with the train. Okay, so it might not be just wizards that own owls, but they sure are a rare occurrence – especially when they can fly free on the subway.

Transformation Tuesday

Many of us have seen social media flooded with transformation each week, but we have to hand the crown to Mother Nature. After all, can anything really beat a caterpillar transforming into a beautiful butterfly?

We thought not. This woman looks as though she wanted to recreate the magic of nature by crafting her very own costume. However, we're not sure we would have shown off our outfit by lying on a subway floor, but each to their own we suppose.

The wicker man

Sometimes it seems as though our schedules never seem to fall into line – no matter how hard we try. So what happens when you have a meeting with the boss at 9 only to be expected at a tribal get together in a couple of hours?

No worries; the subway has you covered. Although this person might be wearing the last outfit that many of us would expect to see on the subway, at least they have been able to find somewhere to take the weight off their feet.


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